Saturday, March 5, 2011

Leaving Comments on WorthWrting

I think I've figured out why so many of you couldn't leave a message. On my Kona blog I had put as a choice under the comment box as one of the profile choices "Anonymous," the others were google accounts, wordpress, etc. Some people have google so they've been able to leave comments, but now anyone should be able to leave a comment if you chose anonymous as your profile choice.

IT IS EASY: At the bottom of each of my of my posts is a comment area, click on that and it will open a text box, write your comment in the box, then under the box it has a "Comment as" box, it will say "select profile", click on that and it will give you options, go all the way to the bottom for anonymous. Once you chose anonymous than simply click "Post Comment" bar below.

BUT...if you chose anonymous would you please give your name within your comments, something like "Dick, this is Jane Doe, I really thought your post was the most brilliant thing I've ever read, in all my under grad work and Doctorate work, I've never been so enlightened, you are simply the most brilliant writer I've ever come across." Something like that would do.

Once you leave your comment it will be posted next to the article for everyone to see, so, if you want to leave a hurtful comment, but you don't want me, or anyone else to know who you are, don't leave your Jane Doe. Anonymous, or your name, will appear at the top of your can see how others have done it, I've left a few short comments to test it out...

I would really like to hear from you, thanks for being part of my blog, God's blessings, Dick


  1. Dick, this is Liz, I have tried to comment before, so this will be my test comment.

  2. Hi Dad,
    I tried leaving comments before and couldn't, so I'm glad you fixed it. Your the best! love you.
